Saturday, April 24, 2010

What a Week!!

It's been a wild, wild week for The 2010 Memorial! Joe Nacho's mid-week Nacho break, coupled with Rick's HUGE announcement really created quite a stir! Between Ricky and The Beekeeper, those Plundos love suspense! And with Rick, really, what else can be said...At this point, we are really hitting the ol' homestretch. T shirts will need to be finalize here in the next 10 days or so. Whacked back a few chugs this past weekend. Feeling confident. Thunder and Rick are paid up as well!

Really, we just need to know who will be the 14th member. The King is the hands down leader and hopefully his hernia surgery will be healed! I have a conference call scheduled with him for this week. Big things I hope!

I am putting the finishing touches on a new post and may have that ready tonight to be an appetizer for Joe's weekly nacho platter!!! I just wanted to get this up there for those clamoring for news!

Lastly, I leave you with this collage of epic heroes. All in the same pose! Coincidence?!? Only thing missing is the XV tat on Vin!


Wedgebuster said...


Jiggs said...

SBF the offer is still on the table to make that a permanent fixture on our bodies!!!!

King said...

That picture made me feel awkward... Dudless's face is just gross...

The Beekeeper said...

That was a bit of a homosexual collage. What happened Legs, you couldn't find a picture of King making that same pose in his borts?

kevinbowler said...

another post tonight!?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOO I have been lifting weights and doing cocaine all day!!!!

MC Balance said...

Can Landon be our 14th?!?!

Biz said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHA. i had to immediately minimize the blog when i saw those pics so people at work didnt think the memorial was a festival of gay dudes. thanks legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crazylegs said...

mid week nachos are coming soon! hang on to your salsa!

MC Balance said...

Nacho knows drama too!!!!

Sweats said...

Where is Nacho????? I literally look forward to Wednesday's posts!